kekesum09Keke had a very exciting summer vacation this year. It started with a very long drive from Calgary to Erie Pennsylvania. We stopped in Elkhart Indiana along the way to visit Nigel Clark Keke’s breeder. Keke arrived in Erie at Valkyrie Farms on July 13th and stayed there in order to be bred to Watson Valkyrie Dr Watson is Here. She stayed for about 10 days and then completed her epic journey to our lakeside cottage in the Laurentian Mountains in Quebec.  Once there Keke had over two weeks with the rest of us and had a terrific time playing in the water and just thoroughly relaxing.
We all had a safe (and relatively short) airplane trip home to Airdrie but the very next day, August 10th to be exact, there arrived a new addition at Acostar. Her name is Syrah (she doesn’t have a registered name yet) and she is super pretty and smart and into everything. We placed our brown girl Tawny  Elkrun’s Tawny Dove at Acostar in a pet home in May and Syrah is our girl to replace her. Check her out on her own page. (coming soon)