Canadian Champion

Acostar’s Hennessey Louis Vuitton

Acostar's Vuitton - Feature Photo
Acostar’s Hennessey Louis Vuitton

Registration CKC HE3994283, AKC WS71416601

DOB: March 4, 2020
Black with white markings/ Wavy

Health Stats

OFA Hips: PW-9289G24M-VPI
OFA Elbows: PW-EL4419M24-VPI
GM-1: Normal #DMFKHHZ
IC-13: Normal #DMFKHHZ
JDCM: 1-1 Probable Normal #31947
Microphthalmia: Probable Carrier #31947

More About Vuitton

Vuitton is a wonderful, sweet, gentle and loving boy. He has a strong rear and balanced front and is beautifully proportioned. He is very easygoing and really enjoys just hanging around with his family. He has won the highest title of any Acostar dog so far with a group 2 with very limited showing. Vuitton has completed his health testing and is available at stud to approved bitches.

Vuitton’s Photo Gallery