phoenixGroup-1st2009 had a very exciting end to the show year for Phoenix Acostar Angelo’s Good as Gold.  At the Calgary KOC shows in November, Phoenix took 2 Best of Breed wins over a great showing of lovely PWDs!  He went on to take a Working Group First on Saturday, under judge Alvin Krause and a Working Group Third on Sunday, under judge Michel Chaloux!!  With very limited showing in 2009, Phoenix finished #5 Portuguese Water Dog in Canada! Thank you to Kim Cowie, for her expert grooming and handling, and to all the judges who have made these achievements possible.  Watch for Phoenix in the ring in 2010.

Over the Christmas holidays Keke Oreobay Keke Beach Acostar was bred once again to Watson Valkyrie Dr Watson is Here. We are hoping for a beautiful litter to arrive in early March. A belated Happy Birthday goes out to all of Ruby’s Acostar’s Porto Ruby litter mates. They are now two years old. Ruby has completed all of her health testing (please see her individual page) and will be bred in the upcoming months so watch for further updates.